Honesty: A value that we need in these days

Honesty is a value that you can use in your whole life. When you’re honest with people you can feel that everything comes along. Some people may say that honesty is overrated but is a big lie! When you’re honest with your wife and children, they’re going to thank you all their lives, because they had a very strong foundation or a person in which they can trust for ever. A person who is a good father (yes in this case a man) and a good husband could say he has the key of heaven in his hands, and you should know that we don’t have that these days.
     The problem with that is, in most of the cases that men are liars, more than women and according to an article of the BBC in 2010: men tell three lies every day, and women an average of two lies each day. And yes, according to this British news, people know that women are better liars, but they don’t tell them that much and they don’t hurt that much as men lies.
Liar- liar:
      When a person tells a lie could causes a huge damage. Remember for example this movie from the 90’ called:   Liar- Liar, starred by Jim Carrey and his role as the main character was to play a man who didn’t stop telling lies neither in front of his son, nor at work to their colleagues or friends. He was a lawyer, but what a tremendous liar!

      He couldn’t understand why his song was so disappointed at him and if you saw the movie you can imagine how easy was to please that kid. Fletcher Reed (Jim Carrey) was a man who could truly promise something but at the end he couldn’t keep his word. In that sense, do you want the same for you and your life?

      Why not start to think about improving that aspect from you (if your speech is full of lies) and just tell the truth. If a person asks you for your opinion just say your real opinion with your own arguments but you need to be free of the negative energies that a lie could bring into your life. For example, the author Jem Amber Stone, says in her book “Seeing the Spiritual Reasons Behind the Negativity: A Menu for the Game of Life” that you lie to yourself  because you know that you can succeed but the fear and your own negativity make you feel the smallest thing on Earth.  So, if you as a citizen are like that, what can you expect from politicians?

     You need to stop lying and make honesty enter into your spiritual life, and you’ll going to see how your city, your country and the whole world get better.


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