[Henry Jesús Camino Muñoz] Be A Real Human, Educate Yourself!
Education is something that many people should take into account for their lives and this is part of what makes a person different from others. You know the best part, you don't always need a school or university to get like that. Yes, that is right and will be said again so you can assimilate it, you don't need a university.
This may be very controversial at the beginning but consider the following aspects:
There are plenty of people who goes to college, university and who even get a master in the science of some sort of career but they do not always get the information from their teachers. What is more surprising, is that teachers at institutions send students to the internet! That is quite a good sign for nonstudents huh?
That is good because people who do not have the opportunities to study when it come to be educated, there are things that you have to consider so that you can see the difference between education and culture. They are not the same, in fact, education is more about having a good set of value, a good behavior in general terms (not a perfect one), and of course, doing the best you can wish in every human being it means really good.
That is a brief explanation, of course, you could totally understand this topic more deeply if you are interested and go further. There are people who love getting educated over the time and there are others who like the fact of getting education right now. That is a must have and you should get it too. If you feel that you need more education go ahead and look for more of it because it will be nice and important for your own needs.
-Henry Jesús Camino Muñoz